Do you take notes?


Do you journal? Do you take notes while your pastor is preaching? If not, you should. 

Pictured are some of my sermon notebooks. This is only since late 2010. Within these pages are numerous sermons and messages I’ve heard preach at church and conferences. 

You know what I find most interesting? 

When I pick one of these up and start reading back over my notes, the Lord blesses me all over again. It’s amazing the “nuggets” that are tucked away in these pages. 

So, I encourage you, if you aren’t already, find a notebook and start taking notes of sermons and/or keeping a journal of how God is working in your life. Lastly, it has been interesting to write out prayers and questions I’ve had and then look back and see how God has worked in my life and His church. 

Love and appreciate you! 

Free e-books!

Who doesn’t like something for FREE? … I know I sure do! 

If you have an e-reader you need to sign up for the weekly emails from David C. Cook. They give away at least one (1) FREE e-book each week. The retail value of the books range from anywhere from $10 to $18. 

What’s the catch? No catch! You just visit their website and sign up for their emails. 

*If you don’t have an e-reader you can get a cloud reader (read the books via the web) or get the Kindle app for our iPod, iPad or any other smart phone. 

Happy Reading! 

Links of interest: 
Kindle Cloud Reader —
iBooks for iPhone, iPad, iPod —
E-Readers reviews, how to, advice —

Turning a page … Here’s to a new chapter!

It’s bittersweet to get rid of something you’ve created. 

These last few days I’ve been doing some major clean up of my digital world. It started with decluttering my server space of sites I no longer host, then I sorted through the domains (website names) that I own. The goal was to cut down on the number of renewals that I get hit with every year. It was hard to turn some loose, but my wallet will enjoy the few extra bucks. 

I then had to decide what to do with, which has been the hub for all of my ministry related projects since 2011. The projects have included a prayer network ( to a daily “nugget” site ( where I would share a verse or encouraging quote. As well as my daughter’s site, 

Due to a shift in my ministry after becoming the part time youth and outreach pastor at First Baptist in Turbeville, SC, in August 2012, those other “branches” have been cut. 

The site you are on is the new and improved It will be interesting to see where God takes this site. My prayer is that He will use it to bless those that find their way onto these pages. I pray they are encouraged, inspired, challenged, etc. From time to time I’ll be sharing my thoughts on this section of the site with topics ranging from technology to our daily walk. 

So here’s to turning a page and starting a new chapter!