Dr. Roc Collins
Text: Acts 2:37-40
What makes an effective witness?
A convicting message, a concise answer and continual invitation.
It’s OK to say, “I don’t know.”
Jesus: “I go, so that you might be empowered.”
Instead of asking people, “Where do you go to church?” Ask them, “Do you have a relationship with Jesus?”
You cannot witness that which you do not know.
We don’t need more information, but more anointing of believers.
“They’re listening!”
People around you, they need truth and they want something that can change their life.
A Baptist pew can be a very comfortable place to go to hell from.
God help me to feel before I sin how I’d feel after I sin.
A thought I (Chris) had during the message, which included Paul’s time in prison:
Paul in his jail time, do you think he had conversations with people unlike him? Far from God? Do you think those conversations and chains changed his perspective?
“Your sign out front will be a tombstone of what used to be.” -Dr. Roc Collins, on the state of the church if its members don’t continue to seek God and stop looking to the past. The one word that Baptist hate the most: change. Change must take place.
Learning to wait on the Lord
Text: Isaiah 40:31
We have been programmed to be impatient.
When must you wait upon the Lord?
(1) When circumstances are uncontrollable.
Wait. Things you did not cause. Things you cannot change. Wait.
(2) When people are unchangeable.
Not everybody comes to church for the right reason.
“When we cannot trace His hand, we can always trust His plan.”
If you love Jesus, when was the last time you told him?
You can’t love somebody you don’t know.
Text: Luke 6:17-19
Jesus came down.
Jesus came down to be heard.
Jesus came down to be touched.
The mountaintop is a great place to fellowship, pray and worship Jesus, but the Christian life is lived in the valley.
Thank God for unnamed people who tell people about Jesus.
Desperate people always have the attention of God.
Text: John 6:1-11
He will take us to desolate places … hopeless unless God shows up.
He’ll put us in desolation to give us a revelation.
The church is not a democracy.
Every time they voted in the Word of God they voted against God.
We are in the distribution business.